World Mental Health Day
Mental Health

World Mental Health Day October 10th, 2022: Make Mental Health for All A Global Priority

October 10 is World Mental Health Day. The theme for this year is “make mental health for all a global priority.” The theme was selected this year to take action on the mental health crisis brought on by the pandemic. The COVID pandemic highlighted how ill prepared everyone was to manage our care systems. Leaving many isolated from the care they need in the middle of a global crisis. 

“We envision a world in which mental health is valued, promoted and protected; where everyone has an equal opportunity to enjoy mental health and to exercise their human rights; and where everyone can access the mental health care they need”

World Health Organization- world mental health day campaign

Spread Awareness

Join us in spreading awareness. Share your story.  Make a post on social media #worldmentalhealthday #WMHD2022. Tell your friends and family. Donate if you can and ask others to do so as well. 

Access to mental health has evolved greatly over the years, largely due to awareness. Use your voice to bring awareness to mental health. The stigma of mental health has stopped people from doing this in the past and still has a strong hold on many communities. By bringing awareness and sharing our stories we hope to educate others and normalize mental health care. 

I myself had stigmas around mental health until I experienced it in my family and eventually myself. Mental health care has made a huge impact in my life and I can’t imagine how much harder life would be if I didn’t get this help. Having access to a therapist and medication has been a game changer, but not everyone has this privilege. 


Celebrate with us by making a donation to World Federation for Mental Health!

Other Ways To Celebrate

Take a Mental Health Day

Take the time to prioritize yourself and practice some self care. Many employers are now granting their employees a mental health day off. Take advantage of this time. If you don’t receive a mental health day, create your own at a different time. 
Self care can be simple and doesn’t need to take much time. You can do something as simple as taking a long shower. We shower a lot, but I think most of us rush through this as part of our daily routine. Take the time to take a longer shower, use a new body wash, add a new conditioner to your hair, use a sugar scrub. For parents: take an uninterrupted shower. 

Tell Your Story

Tell your story. Whether you choose to share one-on-one with someone or in a group form, sharing your story can be therapeutic and help spread awareness. Don’t feel comfortable sharing your story in person, write a post on social media. Something as simple as sharing your photo and adding the hashtag #worldmentalhealthday can help others feel seen.

Volunteer with a Mental Health Organization

Volunteer with a mental health organization. Find somewhere local where you can give your time and be surrounded by others. Volunteering is so rewarding to your overall happiness and it will help you feel fulfilled. Google local volunteer opportunities to find where you can go. Also, remember there are a lot of phone services and opportunities to volunteer without leaving the comfort of your home.

World Mental Health Day

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