13 Non-Traditional Gift List
Parenting, Shop

Non-Traditional Gift List for Children & Their Parents

With the holidays coming up everyone is already thinking about gift lists. I went the other way and have created a non-traditional gift list. Our lives are surrounded by consumerism. It’s always buying the next thing and filling your house with x,y,z because your child and family needs it. The best thing that you can give your child and family is your time. Want to know more read our non-traditional gift list. 

13 Non-Traditional Gift List *

Why go Non-Traditional?

I feel overwhelmed thinking about how many toys crowd our home. This feeling was intensified when I thought about more toys to come on Christmas and her birthday. So much stuff that I am already struggling to organize and sort. The task of maintaining all of the things is overwhelming. Less clutter, more happiness, at least in my book. What do you think?

How to go Non-Traditional?

But, how could I tell everyone not to buy anymore toys? Baby is the first grandchild on both sides and her grandparents, aunts and uncles and their extended friends are all excited to buy her all sorts of things. No need for a holiday or birthday, Baby is constantly gifted new things. 

I myself decided to no longer buy toys, in order to help minimize the clutter. I subscribed to the Lovevery Play Kits and these great quality toys are all we need. When I first saw the price on the play kits, I thought it was too much $$$ but when I did the math per toy and how much I was currently spending on toys, getting the Lovevery play kits was the smarter solution. I hope to soon write a review on these, but for now we’re just enjoying these toys together.  

As Baby gets older she will start to ask for her own toys, what she wants or is persuaded to want. At this point we will just need to set boundaries around how many toys can be purchased. We don’t want a spoiled child. I’ve seen other parents start a donating tradition. Have your child understand that in order to get a new toy they need to donate an old toy. I love this idea! Instilling the values and gift of giving at a young age is something I highly value. When I was young and recently immigrated to the US from Chile, we were very poor and were on the receiving end of these gifts. Those gifts that we received made a huge impact and I am sure was a big relief for my mom. 

13 Non-traditional Gift List for Children and Their Parents

Now that you understand why, here is a list of non-traditional gifts. Majority of these gifts focus on the experience and creating memories.

  1. Buy Tickets for an Event
  2. Take Kids to the Movies
  3. Go to a Kids Indoor Play Place
  4. Go to a Park
  5. Host a Picnic
  6. Craft Something Together
  7. Add to Their Library
  8. College Fund
  9. Coupon Book for the Parents
  10. Gift Cards
  11. Order an Activity
  12. Make a Donation on their Behalf
  13. Adopt a Family
13 Non-Traditional Gift List
13 Non-Traditional Gift List

1. Buy Tickets for an Event

Zoo, amusement park, aquarium, kids museum. These alone are expensive with all the food, tickets, gifts along the way, and gas.

2. Take Kids to the Movies

Considering the age of the child this can be a huge experience. They can watch their favorite character on the big screen and enjoy some snacks. Go in theme and dress up to match the movie. This season you can go see: Strange World, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever,  and Lyle, Lyle Crocodile. Not any movies that spark your interest head to a retro night or special showing of an older film.

3. Go to a Kids Indoor Play Place

Depending on the age of the child there are likely many choices in your area. For older children they will enjoy an arcade like Dave and Busters or Round1. Want to get them moving try out a  trampoline play center like Sky Zone. I also recently found an indoor play area that is perfect for babies and toddlers, Haven Kids Center in Palm Springs. This local place is perfect for playing, crafting and reading with your little one.   

4. Go to a Park

This is so simple and very cost effective, just a little gas money unless you have one walking distance. Baby loves going to the park and enjoys running around anywhere. Enjoying a moment in the park with a relative can be such a beautiful moment. Play with them and watch them smile while you push them on the swing.

5. Host a Picnic

Make it an event and host a picnic! Head to the park with the picnic. Go to the beach, go on a hike, head to the mountains. Don’t want to go far, your backyard or living room floor is just right. Bring some special snacks and drinks and enjoy your meal on the floor. 

6. Craft Something Together

Make a holiday themed craft or something that the child can make and gift to others in the family. Help the child share in making and giving to others. Parents and Grandparents alike will cherish these items for years to come.

7. Add to their Library

Buy a book and read it with them. You can easily do this in a theme as well. Pair the book with an object that they can use to relive the story as many times as they want. No money for books, take them to story time. You can enjoy some books together in a group with other children and check out some to take home. Building a small library and encouraging reading early on will help develop them.

8. College Fund

Add money to the college fund. Not as fun, but definitely essential. The benefits of this gift are not immediate but once the child reaches 18 years old, they will be so thankful to have this money and use it towards college or getting their adult life started.

9. Coupon Book for the Parents

Create coupons that the parents can use to cash in for different activities. Offer help with babysitting, making a meal, picking up/dropping off duty, bath time, bedtime, date night. The parents will be extremely thankful to cash in these treats and you can spend time with the child.

10. Gift Cards

Gift cards can be vague but tailor them to ones that can be used for diapers and other baby care needs. Help the parents with the practical cost of a child. There are so many things that a child needs growing up and toys are not a big need.  

11. Order an Activity

Order and activity for the day. I’m thinking Jumping castles and water play areas. You can go bigger and order obstacle courses, petting zoos, magic shows, clowns, princess visits. Bring the event to the child’s home and let them enjoy it on a random day. No Birthday or Holiday needed to have some fun.

12. Make a Donation on their Behalf

Does your child have a favorite animal? Donate to a zoo, a local shelter, World Wildlife Fund. Find a charity that you think the child would be happy to give to. Help feed other children and donate to Feeding America. Donate to local schools and parks. 

13. Adopt a Family

Adopt a family on behalf of the child and still take part in buying things, but these things will be gifted to someone in need. Involve the child in picking out the items to be gifted. It’s always fun to match the ages of the family to the ages of the children giving them, this makes it feel more real and special.

Do you have more ideas? Would you consider starting this tradition with your family? Let us know in the comments what you think. I hope you appreciated this post on non-traditional gifts. Shopping season has begun and everyone should reconsider how many things we actually need.  

Looking to share your story, contact us! I would love to hear from you.